New DFT ROM build enables XAP application installation right from the browser
Posted on 09-13-11 09:33 am

The DFT have figured out some serious business lately, with access to full native code and more. The latest build of the DFT Freedom ROM series comes with an extra little feature, known as DFT_XAPInstaller. The feature allows installing XAP files from the IE browser, without the need of a PC. To quote the changelog:

Ability to install XAP files from WP IE without PC.
You need just enter URL to XAP file and it will download and install it.
Note, the start and the end of installation signaled by sound beeps, no UI provided yet.
It's recomended to turn on sound before installing.

The fact this is possible is a huge breakthrough, and should open up the ability for real homebrew markets to start up. Of course, this current implementation seems a little insecure. One could likely sneak an <iframe> or redirect in a webpage and sneak some applications onto one's device, but it'll probably be cleaned up a little before we have to worry about that.

Chances are this is implemented through the HKEYCLASSESROOT and some native code, given as the DFT ROMs have some serious policy edits. Anyone care to take a look? Hit up the source link.

[Via: WMPU; Source: XDA]

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