Posted on 10-24-10 07:00 pm
Sure, it probably won't meet the DLNA certification, but with all the excitement of the WP7 based LG devices getting DLNA Play-To, we thought we'd figure out how to handle this on Windows Mobile.
What this will enable you to do...
- Access your PC's media library and play back on your phone
- Access your phone's media library and play it on your computer
- Stream items from your phone onto your computer or DLNA-enabled device.
That's right. You'll be able to literally broadcast pictures, videos, or music off of your phone and straight onto the 52", just like the LG Optimus 7 can.
Getting Started
You will need to download three things to get started:
1) Samsung Media Server here.
2) PocketPlayer, available free for 30 days from here.
3) PocketPlayer UPnP plugin from here.
Step 1
Attach your device to ActiveSync, and extract the Samsung Media Server package. Copy the DLNA folder to the root of your Storage Card (eg \Storage Card\DLNA).
Step 2
Run PocketPlayerSetup.exe on your computer. Make sure that your device is connected before doing so. Follow the installation on your device, and install it to your Device memory.
Step 3
Extract the file, and place the DLL in your install path for PocketPlayer. In our case, this was \Program Files\PocketPlayer\
Step 4
Start WiFi, then run \Storage Card\DLNA\SamsungMediaServer.exe. Nothing will appear on your device's screen, but the server will continue to run. If you go to your PC at this time, you should see "HD2" under Other Libraries in Windows Media Player. If not, make sure both devices are on the same network connection.
Step 5
In our case, we will be streaming to our Windows 7 desktop. Under Stream in Windows Media Player, enable "Remote control of my Player".
Step 6
On your device, run PocketPlayer from the start menu. Click Browse, and select Network. In the listing, you should see your destination device, as well as "HD2". Set the playback to your destination device, such as your Windows 7 PC.
Step 7
In the device listing on your phone, select HD2. This should display your phone's library. If not, make sure all your media content is located in \Storage Card\My Documents. Select an item, and it should be broadcasted onto your Windows 7 computer (or whatever device you have selected.) If it is, you're done! Keep your WiFi on and you can share pictures, video, and music with your DLNA destination device.
If you have any questions or clarifications, let us know in the comments. This method took roughly 10 minutes, using a HTC HD2 and a Windows 7 computer with Windows Media Player.